
  • Use a concise, meaningful filename.
  • Do not use unfamiliar abbreviations, or special characters. (Underscores and hyphens are okay).

File Properties:

  • Set title, author, and language for the document.


  • Use 12-point font size or larger.
  • Avoid using script, handwriting and condensed fonts.
  • Use line-spacing greater than 1.0 (best practice). 


  • Ensure that text to background contrast ratio is at least 4.5:1 for standard text, and 3:1 for large text.
  • Ensure that color is not the only means of conveying information.


  • Ensure that the document is free of unnecessary blank lines.
  • Use page breaks rather than the enter key to start a new page. 
  • Use columns to position text rather than empty spaces or tab.


  • Create headings using styles rather than manually formatting text (e.g. bold).
  • Use concise, descriptive headings.
  • Use a logical, hierarchical heading structure.

Table of Contents ((TOC) recommended for larger documents):

  • Create a table of contents using the TOC tool.

Data Tables:

  • Add a caption to your table for reference (best practice).
  • Ensure the table header structure and designation is appropriate.
  • Set header row to repeat across pages.
  • Ensure that rows do not break across pages.
  • Do not merge or split cells whenever possible.
  • Some complex tables can be split up into multiple simple tables.
  • Maintain gridlines and sufficient text to background contrast.
  • Describe table organization in alt text.


  • Use unique, concise, and descriptive display text for all hyperlinks which describe the purpose and or destination of the link.
  • Avoid using “Read More” or other ambiguous link text.
  • Use bookmarks or a TOC to facilitate navigation.
  • Add a meaningful Screen Tip to provide additional supportive instruction or detail.


  • Create bulleted or numbered lists using built-in tools.


  • Add concise descriptive alternative text (“alt text”) to non-decorative images.
  • Present a text alternative to informational graphics in the body of the document when appropriate (avoid long alt text descriptions).
  • Designate decorative images using the tools provided.
  • Position images in-line with text. 
  • Add a name to the image for reference using the Caption tool.
  • For images which also serve as links, a description of the link purpose or destination must be included in the “Alt Text,” in addition to any graphic based information.
  • Avoid placing text on images and graphics.
  • Avoid using watermarks.

Charts & Graphs:

  • Add alternative text for all charts and graphs as “Alt text” or in a nearby passage or insert a separate table to present the data.
  • Give the chart a name using the Caption tool.
  • Position the chart in-line with text.


  • Use legacy form controls.
  • Add Help Text to legacy form elements.
  • Provide instructions in an unprotected section of the document.
  • Avoid using underscores in printable forms.


  • Use the Accessibility Checker to check your document.

Convert to PDF:

  • When converting your document to PDF, use a method that preserves accessibility.
  • Do not use Header/Footer sections for meaningful content. It will not be available to a Screen Reader when exported to PDF.
  • Check converted PDFs for accessibility in Adobe Acrobat Pro